Valon Hyseni has been overseeing all aspects of the implementation of business activities supported by Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe since 2017.

As an MRM/KML Specialist he is engaged in establishing and maintaining the Monitoring, Results Measurement (MRM) system for the RECONOMY programme in the Western Balkans. Working closely with Intervention Managers to ensure that interventions align with the DCED Standard for Results Measurement and intervention logic, guaranteeing the achievement of expected outcomes. Responsibilities include designing and updating the Intervention Guides, creating monitoring plans, and providing timely data on intervention performance. Engaged in capacity building to Implementing Partners, coordination for data collection and contribute to continuous research and development efforts in Western Balkan countries.

Valon’s previous responsibilities as Monitoring and Training Officer are to evaluate and monitor activities, identify the needs and provide training, as well as to coordinate, and manage public relations, communication with and small-scale procurement support to clients, with a focus on income-generating activities.

Valon holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance from Iliria University in Prishtina, Kosovo, and has extensive, thirteen-year experience managing administrative and financial operations in local and international development organizations, such as the Regional Development Agency/RDA Centre, The Royal Norwegian Society for Development/ NORGES VEL, and Norwegian Red Cross/CARE Norway, whereby much of his work has also included close coordination with the European Union Office in Kosovo and the Kosovo government institutions.

A motivated and flexible professional and team player, Valon is eager to learn and excel in any new task that he takes on. He is fluent in Albanian (native), English, and Serbian.