Asllan Krasniqi is a client that produces stationery materials for schools (notebooks, drawing papers, musical pentagrams and such).
As part of the grant for 2015, He has benefited packaging machine for final products. This device will increase his production capacities from 200 notebooks packages per day, to 1000 packages per hour, it will also facilitate their transport and as such it will increase the competitiveness of its products in the market.
Asllan Krasniqi nga Prishtina eshte prodhues i materialeve shkollore (fletore, blloka vizatimi, pentagrame, etj.). Si pjese e granteve per vitin 2015, Ai ka perfituar makine per paketimin e prodhimit final. Kjo pajisje ka ngritur kapacitetet e prodhimit te fletoreve nga 200 paketime per dite, ne 1000 paketime ne ore, poashtu do ta lehtesoj transportin e tyre si; me kete rast do t’a rris konkurueshmerine e produkteve te tija ne treg.