Help has supported his small business with meat processing machines. Since the grant Ardit has engaged 3 regular employees in the company and has increased the production capacity. Now his company has managed to sell different meat products in Novoberd and Gjilan but also in other cities depending on the requirements they have. The goals in the future are to increase the number of workers and to offer other products in the market.
Ardit Syla eshte perfitues i Help nga Komuna e Novoberdes ne vitin 2017. Help ka mbeshtetur ate me makina per perpunimin e mishit. Qe nga fitimi i grantit Arditi ka angazhuar 3 punetore te rregullt ne kompani dhe ka rritur kapacitetin e prodhimit. Tani kompania e tij ka arritur te shes produkte te ndryshme nga mishi ne Novoberd dhe Gjilan por edhe ne qytetet e tjera varesisht nga kerkesa. Qellimet ne te ardhmen jane rritja e numrit te punetoreve dhe ofrimi edhe i produkteve te tjera ne treg.